The History of Britain Magazine
Welcome to the History of Britain! The home nations share a varied and shared history unlike anywhere else, so we thought it only right to create a section dedicated to our mutual heritage.

The Charge of the Light Brigade
“Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred…” So starts Alfred Lord Tennyson’s famous poem, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’…

The Development Of Glider Warfare During World War Two
It was during the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games that the sport of gliding was first introduced on to the world stage. Almost immediately the potential of gliders for military use was recognised….

The Abolition of Slavery In Britain
As the trade in enslaved people reached its peak in the 1780s, more and more people began to voice concerns about the moral implications of slavery…

Britain’s WWI Mystery Q-Ships
They were the British naval vessels that officially didn’t exist; the mystery ships of World War One. Their mission was to hunt, decoy and destroy German submarines….

Crossword Panic of 1944
The planning of the D Day landings was almost complete – what could possibly go wrong?…

Piltdown Man: Anatomy of a Hoax
It was a storyline worthy of the world’s most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes; and Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, the creator of the great sleuth, was caught up in the plot…

London’s Great Stink
It’s a cliché that it takes a lot to rouse the reserved, polite British to action, but during the long hot summer of 1858 it was clear that the time for talking was over. The Mother of Parliaments was deeply offended by the poor personal hygiene of her neighbour, Old Father Thames…