Trader’s Market
To compliment the Living History Section of our site, Historic UK is proud to launch a brand new Traders Market. Featured within this directory are the contact names and details of traders and service providers who help to bring history to life through the goods and services that they provide. To assist browsing we have divided the Market into four discrete categories:
Within the Armoury category you can find craftsmen creating hand forged arrowheads through to suppliers of 19th century siege cannon. Our Clothing and Outfitters category includes costumers, shoe makers, corset makers, etc. In the General Store browse through the suppliers of herbal potions, manufacturers of period furniture, silver jewellery and even medieval whistles and flutes. The Service Providers category features small historical groups available for public and school displays, as well as event management companies that can help to organise your film or TV shoot.
White Rose Armoury
White Rose provides armour from Greek through to English Civil War, armourer to the Royal Armourie.
Darcy Clothing
Clothing & Outfitters
We supply accurate replicas of mens period clothing, directly from original garments.
Historical Interpretation
Service Providers
Historical storytelling in first person. Existing persona available or written to order.
Clothing & Outfitters
We create 12th – 15th century reenactment and LARP (Live Action Roleplay) accessories.
The Travelling History Company
Service Providers
We deliver immersive, engaging and multidisciplinary history to schools, home educators and community groups. Ranging from one off sessions, regular school classes, prehistoric camping and archaeology outreach, our aim is to inspire the historians of the future.
Skirmish Magazine
General Store
Skirmish Magazine is the world’s leading multi-period historical re-enactment and living history publication. Brought to you by a dedicated team of re-enactors, living historians and history enthusiasts from around the world.
Red Fox Historical
Service Providers
Your one stop shop for all things historic, from consultancy services through to costumed interpretation. We provide ‘have-a-go’ archery and archery experiences, heritage events management services and deliver popular curriculum linked school sessions across a range of subjects.
Whilst has taken considerable effort to ensure that the content of this listing is as accurate as possible, no warranty or fitness is implied. The above information has been supplied by the traders and service providers listed, and as such, shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or organisation with respect to any loss or damage arising from the information or use of the information contained in this listing.